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Work with me

So many issues resolve themselves when we are balanced, when what we do or think
comes from a space of equilibrium and awareness.

Are you looking for support or guidance with a particular issue?

I can help to:

...and so much more!

If what you experience is not listed, if you cannot put your finger on why you don’t feel right, just give me a call to discuss. By adjusting your breathing, working on your relationship with your thoughts, learning to deeply relax etc. there is a lot we can work on together to make you feel empowered within. 
What I can hep wth
“I just wanted to thank you again for the immense power & positive energy you have given me. Sometimes, when standing still and looking back, I can’t believe you made me grow and change my mind and ways of thinking so quickly and effectively.”


Our work starts in the present, taking into account your current reality and your aims for the future rather than dwelling on the past.

I work holistically and flexibly around you, on a framework of breathwork, Acceptance and Commitment Therapy (ACT) and Cognitive Behavioural Therapy (CBT) integrated with hypnosis and present-moment awareness

Together we will uncover the automatic thoughts and behaviours that are ruling your life and give you back control.

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Therapy is seldomly a quick-fix and never a one-way street. I see our collaboration as a partnership in which you allow me to help you re-discover your centre. Of course, like with most things, the more time you invest in-between sessions, the quicker you will feel a difference.


There are probably as many possible approaches to an issue as there are therapists, and finding the one that works best for you involves mutual feedback and flexibility. Throughout therapy I equip you with tools so you can help yourself once our journey together comes to an end.

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Mountain Range
"No matter what we eat, how much we exercise or whatever genes we have inherited, none of it really matters if we are not breathing correctly"


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Free Consultation​​
(up to 20 minutes)

First Session​​
(1 hour 30 minutes)

Therapy Sessions​​
(1 hour 15 minutes)

​The idea is for us to have an informal (but still confidential) chat. You can decide whether I seem like the therapist for you, and I can assess whether I feel I’m in a position to help you. Most of my clients are happy to do this over the phone, but if you prefer to do this over Zoom that is equally possible. If, at the end of our call, we decide to proceed, I may ask you to complete a short pre-consultation questionnaire which will allow us to move more quickly in the first session.

Book your consultation here.

Once you’ve had your free consultation, the first session is a more in-depth assessment of why you seek help. We take some time to really unpack and understand why you feel out of balance or what prevents you from firing on all cylinders and then formulate a plan for how we’re going to tackle the issue together. We clarify together your expectations and come up with a plan of action, establishing realistic, meaningful and achievable goals. I’ll also explain a little about how hypnosis works, and what your role is in the whole process. Depending on the specifics of the situation, our first meeting can involve some relaxation or breathing practice, but this session usually consists of mainly talking. Many people find it very helpful to really gain a better understanding of what’s been bothering them, and often find spontaneous improvements start occurring off the back of this alone.

During the initial consultation, we'll discuss and agree a preliminary therapy plan and I will recommend a certain number of sessions which I believe will help achieve your goals. Every individual is different, and many people often notice great improvements after a single session. However, as a rough guide between 5 and 10 sessions are on average required to create a meaningful, lasting change and your therapy plan will be designed with you and your goals in mind.

What to expect
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