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Helping you to...feel less anxious

Dealing with Anxiety

Anxiety is all about threat and danger (either real or imagined), where the fear that you feel is out of proportion to the actual threat itself.

The fear may be that something bad is going to happen and you won’t be able to cope.  It can be triggered by many different situations or circumstances and can involve symptoms like a racing heartbeat, sweating, rapid breathing or flushing.  

Anxiety comes in many shapes and forms...

Common manifestations include: 

  • Social anxiety, like speaking in public, meeting new people, at job interviews

  • Phobias like fears of heights, flying, animals or being in enclosed or crowded spaces

  • Post traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) relating to the reliving traumatic events like violence, car crashes, difficult births (see Rewind Technique)

  • Rumination, when you worry about the past, what you could have said or done differently to deliver a different outcome

  • Or, quite simply, a feeling of helplessness and losing control

When you’re in a cycle of stress and anxiety it can be difficult to see a way out...

As a first step to master your anxiety, I teach you breathing techniques that have an immediate effect on your nervous systems. This will help to calm your mind as well as your heart rate, return hormonal balance to your system and influence how you perceive your reality. In addition, I use a combination of applied relaxation, Cognitive Behavioural Therapy (CBT) and Acceptance & Commitment Therapy (ACT) techniques to help you break the anxiety cycle.


You will learn to become aware of the unhelpful patterns of thinking, feelings and behaviours that are the underlying causes of your anxiety and help you to deal with them. 


Even the strong physical impact of a full-blown panic attack can be treated surprisingly easily once you understand how to respond, based on the techniques outlined above. 


Work with me to manage and overcome your anxiety.

Manifestations of anxiety are deeply unpleasant and everyone will have their own sources and experiences; we’ll talk it through and devise a plan together on how to restore your balance, often in a matter of weeks.

If you feel ready to take the first step in gaining control of your anxiety, please reach out to book a consultation call.
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A unique approach

Every client and their circumstances are unique, and so is each therapy. It is difficult to prescribe a "one size fits all" approach for a specific issue. My approach involves a blend of various therapy techniques, tailored specifically to provide you with the support and guidance that I feel would benefit you.

If you have any questions about the modalities mentioned below, please don't hesitate to get in touch.

Tools & Modalities
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“Everything you need, your courage, your strength, compassion and love; everything you need is already within you.”

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